Kriti Industries is a top and high-quality manufacturer and supplier of sheet metal components, automobile components, blind components, and construction equipment based in Ghaziabad, India. Kriti Industries has professionals in this field and is your premier destination for premium die work and expert powder coating services. Here you can get highly reputed powder coats for a wide and varied range of surfaces and objects.
Our products
Sheet Metal Components
Automobile Components
Blind Component
Construction Equipment
Die Work
Powder Coating Work
Our services
Get In Touch with Kriti Industries
Address: Plot No. A-2/17, Sector-17, Kavi Nagar Industrial Area, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.
Mobile No.: +91-9810128819
Email: kritiindustries56@gmail.com
Email: accounts@kritiauto.in
Email: opration@kritiauto.in
Email: sushilkumar@kritiauto.in
Email: purchase@kritiauto.in